Wednesday, April 9, 2014

the last week is here!

Hello to all of you beautiful our last week is upon us. My last week went ok. I am down 1.2 at weight watchers. So my goals for this week are to ask myself "is it worth it?" Meaning is it worth it to eat those fries or the birthday cake? And in the other direction, is it worth losing an hour of sleep to fit in my workout. My motto this week is results or regrets you decide. I think this says it all. I personally will not be stopping my weight loss journey when this ends. And i wanted to thank all of you for helping me stay inspired through the last couple months. I hope that everyone of you reaches your goals through your weight loss journey! Stay strong and remember you can do it!!! Much love and luck this week :)

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Hello ladies, I wish I could claim that im down again but I cannot. This has been a very tough week for me. As a matter of fact it has been the hardest week since starting months ago. I know we all have bad weeks so for me there will be no dwelling on the past. Time to look forward. The week has been reset. Today is my Monday and I will start fresh. This weeks goal is to not drink to much wine ( I have company coming for my birthday this weekend and next weekend) and to work out. Why is it when we are having a bad eating week we also have a bad workout week? If I could just workout when I slip I know it would all blance. Any way heres to a better week for all of us!!! Good luck ladies and lets lose this weight.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

on track

Yay...i'm on track. It has been a great week! I lost two pounds at weight watchers today which is exactly where I want to be. I have put in a lot of hard work this week. I have rotated between running and dance dvd everyday except Sunday. I have also been doing crunches, squats, push ups and dips every night. I am still taking the stairs everyday at work. I am very proud of not touching one single french fry this week at work! Now for this week, lets just do it again! Eaiser said than done, but I am trying to be very focused. I still want to meet my monthly goal of 8 pounds. This weeks goal is to track my food. Again I did great for 5 days then fell off on my days off. My other goal is to keep up the hard work of exercise. I dont think I can fit in anymore than I have done this last week, so just hit repeat. Good luck ladies...I hope everyone of you hit your goals this week!!!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

almost at goal

So I am almost at my large goal of 50 lbs...I am 8 lbs away and we all know when it comes to that last little bit it starts to get really hard. I have been working on this since July and got really serious in sept when I joined weight watchers. For 9 months I have been working at chipping away this weight. I am a little scared because I know that I am a self sabotager. My goals to stay on track are to change up my workouts. I am getting bored with running. How do I know? because evrytime I go to do it I make an excuse not to. So I havent ran in like two weeks. I just bought a dance dvd workout so I can do it at home with the baby being around. Next I will keep focused on my eating. I know what I will be eating for the whole week because that is how I shop. What I need to make sure stays out of my way are the stupid french fries at work. How those little suckers keep jumping into my hand is so hard to figure out!!! My monthly goal is to lose those 8 pounds. I know it wont be easy to lose that much in a month. I will need total focus and a lot of work outs. I keep telling my brain "do not quit and mess this up" I wish all of you ladies the best of luck. I know this is not easy but if you just keep chipping away a little at a time you can be at your goal. Thanks to all of you for your support!!!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

less than a week

We have less than a week left before the next weigh in!!! I am a little nervous. I know I have lost but not as much as I would like to. This was a hard month due to illness running through the house. The last week I got back on track and lost 2.4 at weight watchers this week. My goals for the week are to move more. Not just exercise but more outside of that. Johnny and I just went for a walk with me pushing his little car that he loves. I will also be taking the stairs instead of the elveator at work, that is 80 steps. I will be searching for others ways to get in movement wherever I can. If you have ideas please share. Of course I am still doing all weight watcher recipes and I need to focus on writing everything down. Im great at the begining of the week then by day four or five im just writing down breakfast. So my promise to myself is to write down everything that goes into my mouth, even if I dont want to admit it to myself. I know this is what works!!! It sounds so easy, yeah right. Good luck this week ladies. I wish you all large sucking sounds of weight loss.


I told Annie I would showcase so here goes. I dont really know where to start? I guess my weight issues have been with me since starting my menstral cyclye. I was always a skinny child, but as a preteen my weight starated creeping up. I remember as a kid my dad telling me i was going get fat like my mom and grandma (mom is 250 plus and gma is 350 plus)It was so hard to here as a teen that I was going to be that way. I dont think he knew how much I interlized his words but you know. Anyway I had my daughter at 18 and by the time I was at the end of my pregnancy I was 210 at 5'1". No one told me that the weight would not disappear with the birth! My mom never realy taught me how to eat healthy. I was able to lose a little after her birth but soon started working at a fast food resturant. As a single teenage mom that was my main means for a meal most days . At age 22 I was prego again, not super heavy maybe 160... but at 8 months pregnant I lost my baby it was devasting. I went into a deep depression. I did not know I was depressed I just had no feelings at all. Months later when i stepped on to a scale and saw I was up to 215, I knew I had to do something. That is when i discovered weight watchers. I did well got back down to about 170. my husband and I decided to have another child. Of course I was scared the entire time. When I went into labor a month early I prayed please let this child live. He did... but he was extremely disabled...he had a brain disorder that caused seizures (about a hundred a day) and by the time he was three months old he had a trach to breath and a feeding tube in his stomach. Can you say stress and weight gain. I had at least 6 appts in a week for him and still worked full time, to take care of myself was out of the question. At 5 1/2 my son Nathan passed away. I vowed to myself I would not go into a depression like I did with my daughter. That is when I found running. I had a friend who trained me for my first half marthon. I was down to 167 the smallest I have ever been in my adult life. After the marathon I found myself starting to drink alot and putting back on the weight...looking back it was probably the depression I was trying to aviod. Within two years the weight was back. Not all of it but enough. At this point in my life I was going through some major changes. My husband and I seperated and I starting dating this wonderful man. He is a great cook. Can anyone say happy weight. Well I found myself pregnant again. Because of my other two being born early and my age I was high risk, no more running. So what little control I had over my body was now gone. I was ok with it I just wanted a happy healthy baby. My water broke two months early with this child. I was able to keep him in me for two more weeks but my son was born six weeks early. He was small, I was scared and just thought please let him be ok. He is healthy now but for the first year it was very hard. He has had two surgerys and is now perfect. During this time I kept saying I need to start running again. In july of last year I did get back into running only to find that I was back up to 205 and my running time was at a 16 min mile. I tried on my own for a while to lose the weight but it was coming off very slowly. I decided to go back to weight watchers for the support. I am now down 41 pounds and it is all just working for me. I hope this time I can keep it off! thanks for reading I hope to hear about all of you soon

Thursday, March 6, 2014

hard week

Good day ladies. As my tite says this last week was very hard. My baby was sick and up for three nights in a row with fever, then of course I caught it. I am still trying to get over the cold. This is not a normal cold it a mega cold on steriods. So my eating and excerise where both off track. The good news is I did not gain, but I also did not lose. Normaly in my life this is when I would quit and stop going to weight watchers. This time however i reslove to jump thos hurdle and keep fighting. After all this is about a healthy life now, for me anyway. Not just about losing weight. I want to be able to play with my son. I also see that a lot of us women struggled this week. It helps to know I am not alone. Thanks to all of you for sharing it really helps. Good luck to everyone this week.